& Einzelunterricht

Fotoschulung Informationen

Du möchtest, dass deine Mitarbeiter nicht mehr einfach „drauf los knipsen“ sondern richtige, professionelle Fotos machen?

Dann bist Du bei uns genau richtig!

Wir bieten Fotoschulungen an, die praktisch orientiert sind, 30% Theorie – 70% Praxis. Der Inhalt wird individuell auf die Bedürfnisse und das Interesse der Teilnehmer angepasst.

Gerne übernehmen wir auch individuelle Beratungen und Anleitungen für Dein Firmenevent wie z.B. Weihnachts- , Geburtstags oder Jubiläumsfeier. Ein gemeinsames Fotoerlebnis als Incentive Event, welches Deine Mitarbeiter motivieren und den Teamgeist fördern wird.

Unser Ziel ist es, Deinen Mitarbeitern die Vielfältigkeit der Fotografie näher zu bringen, Sie zu motivieren und zu inspirieren, so dass sie mit Freude und dem richtigen „Know-how“ grossartige Bilder für Dein Unternehmen liefern können.

Fotoschulung Informationen

Wir bieten auch individuelles Foto Coaching an, persönlich oder online, ob mit oder ohne Vorkenntnisse. Hast Du diesbezüglich noch Fragen oder Wünsche, so kontaktiere uns . Wir beraten dich gerne!

120 Euro pro Stunde


Fotografie Online Kurs – fotografieren wie die Profis

Natürlich ist es immer besser, wenn man gemeinsam unterwegs ist und seine Kenntnisse den Schülern 1:1 vermitteln kann. Doch es ist auch ohne weiteres möglich, mit Hilfe unseres Fotografie Online Kurses den Einstieg in die professionelle Fotografie spielend zu erlernen. Wir von der Berlin School of Photography haben diesen Kurs ins Leben gerufen, da viele Lernwillige nicht aus Berlin oder Umgebung kommen. So können wir online dennoch unser Knowhow vermitteln und Du hast mit dem Fotografie Online Kurs die ideale Möglichkeit, die wichtigsten Grundlagen kennen zu lernen.

Fotografie Online Kurs – auch für Dich geeignet

Alles, was Du für unseren Fotografie Online Kurs benötigst, ist eine eigene Kamera mit manuellem Modus. Wenn Du Deine Kamera einmal in allen Einzelheiten kennenlernen möchtest, wenn Du wissen willst, was Du damit alles anstellen kannst und wie Du immer die passende Einstellung findest, ist unser Fotografie Online Kurs ideal für Dich. In Deinem eigenen Tempo lernst Du nicht nur etwas zur Technik, sondern kannst auch viel üben – was hier besonders wichtig ist. Wir zeigen Dir, wie Du in jeder Situation ausdrucksstarke Fotos machen kannst. Neben den Tutorials hast Du Zugang zu unserer Community und kannst Dich mit Gleichgesinnten austauschen.

Fotografie Online Kurs – der Lehrplan

21 Tutorials warten auf Dich, wobei Du alles Wichtige zu den Themen Fokus, Belichtungsdreieck, Verschlusszeit und Blende lernst. Und das in Deinem eigenen Tempo, denn Du entscheidest, wann Du lernen möchtest und wann es Deine Zeit zulässt. Zudem sind wir immer als persönlicher Ansprechpartner für Dich da und bieten Dir im Zuge unseres Fotografie Online Kurses eine 20-minütige Online Feedback Session, in der Du mit einem Profi gemeinsam arbeitest. Der Fotografie Online Kurs richtet sich an alle die, die nicht aus Berlin oder Umgebung kommen und die Ihre Zeit so frei wie möglich einteilen möchten. Buchen kannst Du direkt hier auf unserer Website. Wir freuen uns, Dich kennenzulernen.

Kundenmeinungen zur Fotoschulung & Einzelunterricht

Wir waren in unserer Foto Schulung zwischen 5 und 8 Teilnehmer(innen) und alle unterschiedlichen Kenntnisse wurden bedient.

Alle haben sich gesteigert. Das ist eine großartige Leistung!

Thomas Rüdiger

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Doc Chris
19:45 17 Oct 24
Taking a photography course in the forest is not an everyday occurrence. In addition to good food, a very good breakfast and a small learning group, we had two companions (Bettina as a photographer, Johannes as a forest expert) who encouraged and supported us all around. After an evening with an introduction and check on our own cameras and background experiences, we were driven into the forest on Saturday and, after a detailed introduction, we had enough time to look for and find our individual path for photos. In the evening there was a campfire in the forest with food (game and vegetables). I developed a very unique feeling about the place, which continued for days, even after the weekend. The photo discussion on Sunday morning was an appreciation of our different perspectives and visual impressions of this forest. Well accompanied by Bettina, who discussed the pictures with us and made one or two suggestions. Angle of view, detail, exposure or perspective. For me, this is a special photography course that I would recommend to anyone who wants to experience the forest in a new way. Depending on the time of year, however, you should be prepared that it can be significantly colder than in the city.
Andreas F. Hoffmann
16:05 08 May 24
I completed the 7-month masterclass at the Berlin School of Photography and it was a great success for me. I started without much prior knowledge, having previously only taken a one-day smartphone photography course (also at the BSoP). That had already motivated me a lot! From there it really took off: starting with the technical basics, artistic fine-tuning and experimental photography, I learned more than I had in a long time. Our trainers were equally committed, knowledgeable and highly motivated, so that this motivation also rubbed off on us participants. And there was a great atmosphere in the group of participants, a lot of mutual exchange and support, just great. Definitely a full 5 out of 5 points, big recommendation!!
21:26 05 May 24
I recently completed the 7-month photo coaching and am still impressed and positively influenced by the enriching time in every facet.I learned a lot about photography during this time and am very grateful for this experience.The patience that was shown to answer my questions, the many inspirations and different perspectives made the coaching very valuable for me.Over time, a great community has formed between the coaches and coachees, who have always supported each other.I found it very exciting and beneficial that the content of the coaching was conveyed by different coaches.The big highlight was our final photo project entitled “Transformation”, which we were able to exhibit in Field Five.I don't want to miss the time.Many thanks to you Bettina, Nina, Rocio, Alberto and my coachees❣ .y
12:22 30 Apr 24
I took the course for beginners and am super satisfied! I learned a lot about how to use the camera and was also able to get to know many beautiful corners of Berlin from inspiring perspectives. I can recommend the course with a clear conscience☺️
Peter Karsten
17:37 20 Apr 24
I had a new camera and barely knew how to use it. In one-on-one lessons with Bettina, I not only learned the technique, but also developed an unexpected enthusiasm for photography in a very short time and will definitely continue. Thank you for this quick and individual introduction with a good price-performance ratio.
Diana Meemken
12:01 20 Apr 24
I absolutely enjoyed my course at the BSoP after being a guest at the Vernissage of the Master class. I learned do much and my photographic skills improved massively. Thank you - next time again. I can recommend it strongly.
Stephanie Drescher
16:49 04 Apr 24
My impression after a beginners course: Far from a professional school of photography. A very old-fashioned presentation was shown for the introduction. There was no apparent concept to me all day...I didn't learn anything that I wouldn't have learned better from books or YouTube tutorials. The handout that was sent to us later was not very informative. Plus point: Bettina called me after this review to see what she could do better. Unfortunately, the conversation and their arguments did not convince me and I still cannot recommend the course.
Eston McKeague
15:05 17 Oct 23
I loved the "Nature Photo Experience" course! Was a super interesting setting for a the course and was a great way to get out of the city and see the forest in a new way.
11:22 09 Oct 23
I'm very satisfied. I really enjoyed the photography course for beginners levels 1 + 2! It was very professional and personal, with lots of practical exercises.I can now finally use my camera properly and take the photos I've always dreamed of.I will definitely take more photography courses and can only warmly recommend it to everyone
18:26 07 Oct 23
Very helpful, thank you very much! I've come a long way and now finally understand the technology. I'm looking forward to my projects and will report back. Thank you!!!
John Schols
19:40 09 Aug 23
Wonderful street art tour with lots of tips from Bettina von Kameke about photography and street art in Berlin. Very interesting new parts of Berlin and very helpful.
Rob Murray
16:20 17 Jan 22
My partner and I did the Level 1 course with Alberto and really enjoyed the course and our day! Alberto was a professional and thorough teacher while still leaving lots of time to ask questions and get creative. Would definitely recommend this course to anyone hoping to learn more about their camera and start to embark on their first steps to becoming a better photographer.
Henriette de Wit
18:39 30 Aug 21
I highly recommend the Forest Photography course to anyone who wants to learn more about photography and be closer to nature. Bettina is very inspiring, full of interesting stories and a skilled photographer. She hosted us in an idyllic setting, thought us the most important photography techniques and guided us on a forest bathing to awaken our senses and creativity before we could wander off on our own to put all that we learned into practise. We concluded the day with soup and cake and reviewing the photos that we took that day. For me it was an amazing experience.
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